Funding success: Characterising ribosomal RNA gene activation.

Schmeier Research Group // Massey University


The Marsden Fund will support the project “Characterising ribosomal RNA gene activation, a novel Achilles heel of cancer” with 820,000 $NZ over three years. This is a collaboration between PI Dr. Austen Ganley, Dr. Sebastian Schmeier and Prof. Ross Hannan.

Publications // latest

MinION Sequencing of colorectal cancer tumour microbiomes – a comparison with amplicon-based and RNA-Sequencing. PLoS One, 2020, accepted.

Molecular subtyping improves prognostication of Stage 2 colorectal cancer. BMC Cancer, 2019, 19, 1155

DeePEL: Deep learning architecture to recognize p-lncRNA and e-lncRNA promoters. In proceedings: IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine, 2019, B516, accepted.

News&Blog // latest

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